Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage

In the Early Years Foundation Stage children are welcomed into a supportive, creative and exciting learning environment where they access a broad and balanced curriculum planned by the adults working with them. Children learn with the adults, on their own and from each other in an environment that allows both nursery and reception children to play and learn together some of the time.

The EYFS Curriculum: how learning is organised and planned for

We have a commitment to a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of all our learners.

Topic planning ensures that the essential skills set out in Development Matters are skilfully mapped through the activities and experiences provided.

Autumn 1:  All about Me
Autumn 2: Celebrations and Festivals
Spring: Growing
Summer 1: Animals
Summer 2: Journeys

Independent learning is supported through ‘projects’ that are based on the interests of a child or a group of children. The projects provide the context for extending and challenging children’s enquiry, curiosity, independence, critical thinking and capacities for communicating their own ideas and responses.

Full use is made of local resources, for example parks, museums and city farms.

Children have opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills through topic and project work but we also teach the following aspects of learning discreetly:

  • Phonics
  • Communication and Language
  • Maths
  • Literacy – Reading and Writing
  • PD
  • PSED – Jigsaw scheme of work
  • RE – Tower Hamlets agreed syllabus